Top 3 Reasons to Record Keep

Scott McEachern |

Record keeping doesn’t have to be difficult. Now that tax season is over, we’re sure you can see the value in keeping your records organized (and the stress it causes when they aren’t!) Implementing a file system is very easy.  As soon as you receive mail – open it, file it, and POOF! You’re done.  We’re only a few months into the year, so it’s not too late to start filing your important papers somewhere – somewhere you won’t forget, that is!

Top 3 Reasons to File Your Records

1. To Maintain Your Sanity (and make taxes easier)

Don’t you hate that feeling when someone asks you for a piece of important paper and you know it is lying around the house somewhere (In that special spot!), but you just can’t remember where it is? Then you have to tear apart half of your house and clean it up again and it all could have been avoided if you had a system to file your important paperwork! You can use a filing cabinet or the bottom drawer of your dresser, just don’t use a plastic grocery bag, it’ll likely get thrown out or lost.

2. For Estate Planning Purposes

We had a family friend whose husband passed away. It took several months to find his birth certificate and only then could they continue with the settlement of his estate. By keeping important documents together, they’ll be easier to locate if you are not around to help find them. Keep your life insurance policies, your final wishes, and your will together in a safe spot.

3. Know You Are On The Right Track

When you write down what you spend, suddenly you worry less if you have money in your bank account. For the tech generation, you can always have a running total of monthly income and spending on your phone that you carry around with you anyways. For others, you can keep a written copy at home. Also, if you calculate your net worth at the beginning of each year, you’ll know how much debt you’ve eliminated, how many assets you’ve accumulated and a general sense of whether you’re heading in the right direction financially. If you don’t track anything, you’ll likely never change your habits.


If you struggle with any of these, use our contact form and talk to us – we have several systems and tools to help complete any of the tasks above.