Scott McEachern |

I have always liked numbers, but I’ve never been a fan of taxes. Over the last decade or so, I never really bought into the “Do It Yourself” computer programs

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Scott McEachern |

Saving can be fun. If you are on my Facebook, you've seen how I’ve made saving for vacation interactive over the last month:

Every Canadian knows that Roll Up

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Scott McEachern |

It’s RRSP season, which means the banks want to be your best friend so you’ll invest with them. My inbox in bombarded with RRSP loan offers, free this, and free

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Scott McEachern |

2015. A fresh start. Maybe time for a change. Are you making any financial changes in your life this year? After speaking with friends and family over the

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Scott McEachern |

We are a week away from Christmas Eve!! This year sure has flown by. Thank you to our clients and readers for making it a great one!

Keep an eye out in the new

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Scott McEachern |

Too many times we find ourselves getting caught up in the Christmas spirit of shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Finding the gifts becomes our ultimate goal

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Scott McEachern |

Advocis (The Financial Advisors Association of Canada) has teamed up with the Junior Achievement Program to educate students on Financial Literacy. This month

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